
Current and incoming UMBC students do not need to apply before registering. Students from other institutions, or students who have not previously been admitted to UMBC must apply for admission before registering.
How to apply
Online applications are managed by CollegeNET, UMBC's application hosting service partner. CollegeNET's online application process is safe and secure. Keep a record of your CollegeNET user name and password - if you end your session before you submit your application, you will need your CollegeNET user name and password to reopen your saved application.
- Go to UMBC's Undergraduate Admissions Main Menu page.
- Select Create Your Account at the top of the page to create your CollegeNet account.
- Once you have created your CollegeNet account, return to Undergraduate Admissions Main Menu page.
- Select the Visiting Student option under Apply to UMBC.
- Complete and submit the visiting student application form (including a non-refundable $50 application fee) before the last day to apply.
- Transcripts are not required to apply as a visiting student, however if you plan to take a course with a prerequisite requirement, upload a copy your transcript with your application showing that you have completed (or will complete) the prerequisite course requirement(s) prior to the start of the session.
- You will receive an email confirmation from CollegeNET immediately after you submit your application.
- You will receive a separate email confirmation from UMBC once CollegeNet forwards your application to UMBC. The UMBC confirmation email will include your UMBC campus ID.
- It typically takes 3 - 5 business days to process an online application after it is received.
- UMBC sends admission decisions to both the email address provided on your application as well as your current mailing address.